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    Coccoon coconut oil is a rich hands cream and can be used to prepare a nourishing and softening leave-in treatment for nails and cuticles.

    As a body lotion it can substitute for traditional body creams with silky effect, improving the elasticity of your skin (read more on our blog about its function as aftersun). We recommend after showering to apply a small quantity of product on still humid or towel-dried skin.

    Ideal for massages, coconut oil restores and softens your skin, with a delicious natural fragrance.
    Natural and delicate, certified for sensitive skin, Coccoon solid soap is an excellent hands soap and body wash. By rubbing the solid bar once with wet hands, it forms a soft cream ideal for cleansing your body gently, with pleasant purifying and softening effects.

    As a natural scrub, with exfoliating and softening properties, we recommend adding a few spoons of leftover coffee grounds (or sugar cane) to the solid soap cream, and massage it on wet skin while showering.
    Coccoon solid conditioner is a precious beauty ritual for home and travel.

    Born as a solid hair conditioning treatment for all kinds of hair (babies too) and beards, its special formulation, rich of Coccoon coconut oil (10%) and without any fragrances or other possible additives, makes this solid bar a delicate body balm with softening and nourishing properties.

    To apply, we recommend rubbing it 1-2 times directly on wet skin after bathing. Also used as a pre shave balm, it has to be rinsed.

    Coccoon solid deodorant delicately and effectively neutralizes bad smells of the whole body.

    It is certified for sensitive skin, fragrance free, it does not stain, with a natural aroma that leaves the skin fresh, soft and with a pleasant sense of cleanliness. We recommend deodorizing armpits, feet and intimate parts. A small quantity of product on clean skin is needed, to apply with a light massage. Ideal for adults and babies too.

    La maschera botanica Coccoon è un trattamento ristrutturante che nasce per la cura di barba e capelli da usare a casa ed in viaggio.

    La sua speciale formulazione, ricchissima di olio di cocco Coccoon (10%) e tre estratti vegetali (Amla, Sidr e Fieno Greco) noti per le proprietà curative anche sulla pelle, priva di aromi aggiunti o altri possibili additivi, rende questo panetto solido anche un delicato balsamo corpo con proprietà lenitive, ammorbidenti e nutrienti.

    Per l’applicazione, consigliamo di passarlo 1-2 volte direttamente sulla pelle bagnata durante la doccia o il bagno per poi risciacquare.
    Il solare di cocco Coccoon è la crema protettiva SPF30 formulata con il filtro fisico biossido di titanio, l'olio di cocco Coccoon (20%) e l’estratto di alga bruna (Ascophyllum nodosum) che donano al prodotto proprietà emollienti e nutrienti oltre ad un forte potere rigenerante e protettivo contro l’invecchiamento cutaneo. Sicura ed efficace, si può applicare quotidianamente su tutto il corpo, soprattutto sul viso, anche nei bambini.

    Leggi l’articolo sul blog che spiega l'importanza di proteggere la pelle rispettando l'ambiente.